RunBrook’s Role

Determining whether land and land management practices would qualify for carbon credits is complex and requires coordination with financing entities. RunBrook is skilled at this analysis, at coordinating with third-parties involved in the process, and at the ongoing management of carbon offset projects. If you are considering a carbon offset project, you will find our experience working on high-profile carbon offset projects essential.

Why consider carbon credits?

If you own a substantial amount of land and implement practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions or sequester carbon, then you may find a new source of income from carbon credits.  Carbon credits, which are also called carbon markets, are a way to diversify revenue and support sustainable land management practices, due to voluntary carbon markets and developments in certain states, such as California. Essentially, if you qualify, you are developing "carbon offsets" that are sold to others looking to compensate for or "offset" their greenhouse gas emissions.

What is a carbon offset?

A "carbon offset" is a metric ton of carbon dioxide that was avoided or stored. In other words, if you till soil or cut down trees or plants that store carbon in their tissues, this releases stored carbon into the atmosphere at rapid rates. By engaging in approved land practices that help retain carbon in plants and soil, you avoid or newly store carbon. This "avoided" or "stored" carbon that would have otherwise been released can become a "carbon offset."